
rx bar

This is very serious!

This is very serious!

| Justin Kershaw
This is very serious! Kellogg’s is considered one of the largest cereal corporations in the world. In 2018, they removed added vitamins and minerals from some of their most popular cereals sold to Mexico. These cuts saved the company an estimated $85 million, however; the impact on the Mexican co...
Morning routine, or morning chaos?

Morning routine, or morning chaos?

| Justin Kershaw
“Put your head down!” “Stop Moving!” This is the battle cry of the morning as Chaquerra Allen Kershaw attempts to tame the hair of our daughters in the early AM. I have to admit I’m no help, I simply block out the shrieks of our screaming children and try to make breakfast to ease the pain of eve...
Testosterone and strength.

Testosterone and strength.

| Justin Kershaw
It was after around the time of my first RXbar and studying the work of Christopher Walker that I realized that the key to supporting a healthy body wasn’t synthetic substances injected into my body, the key was literally the food that I was eating.
To create the best-tasting, healthiest bar on the planet

To create the best-tasting, healthiest bar on the planet

| Justin Kershaw
I did my own research and experimentation, also learning that micro nutrient deficiencies are depleting our bodies the optimal hormonal response. Also, I liked the taste of RXbar, but I didn’t love it! RXbar was simply the only option. I knew that we could do better.