Jay Z and Big Food companies have something in common. Either they don’t understand or they don’t care about the people.
In 2014, for a whopping $56 million, rapper JAY-Z acquired the music streaming service Tidal with the mission to “get everybody to respect music again”.
Tidal is built on the premise that instead of music being owned by music studios, the music is owned by musicians. Thus eliminating the middleman and allowing artist to take their music directly to customers, which allows the musicians to retain more of the money from sales. This sounds like a great plan, but Jay Z made a terrible mistake.
Before the launch of Tidal, Jay Z asked 16 musicians to exclusively release their content on Tidal in exchange for a percentage of equity in the company. These musicians then gathered for a press conference to explain their business model and launched the Tidal brand. The million dollar musicians made the launch and the company all about themselves resulting in a flop.
What Jay Z failed to realize is that the people who keep Tidal and his rap career afloat aren’t the musicians, they are paying customers who ask the question everyday, “How are you going to help ME win today.” They could care less about a bunch of rich rappers trying to make more money off the backs of the people. Jay Z positioned himself as the focus of his mission instead of focusing on serving the people.
It’s the same with big food companies. Look at Kelloggs for example. Over the past 50 years, what new innovative healthy food products have they created to help the people win? Even now 1400 disgruntled Kelloggs employees are on strike because, according to Former U.S. Secretary of Labor and economist Robert Reich, they are “Fed up with corporate greed and corruption.”
To Jay Z and CEOs of food companies:
At Sow Strong, we are on a mission of change. We want to create partnerships with the community and to help people win by providing great tasting, innovative, healthy products.
Please order Sow Bars @ www.sowstrongfood.com.
All pending orders will ship out tomorrow! Thank you for the support and please join this mission!
Thanks for the inspiration Donald Miller